This, That, and the Other | Local Entertainment |

2022-09-16 19:49:25 By : Ms. Leon lin

Sun and clouds mixed. High 78F. Winds SE at 5 to 10 mph..

Clear skies. Low 57F. Winds light and variable.

The annual Mountaineer Days celebration was held Saturday at the entrance to the Old Shook School. Started in the late 1960s as “Old Timer’s Day,” the annual festival was renamed Mountaineer Days in the early 1970s. Last year, the number of attendees and participants was affected by COVID-19…

The Tennessee Department of Agriculture has released the 2022 application for the Tennessee Agricultural Enhancement Program (TAEP). Applications must be postmarked, sent on-line, or hand delivered between October 1 and October 7, 2022. Do not postmark prior to October 1. Applicants can appl…

Last week, the Lady Jackets traveled to Franklin County where they played four sets against the Rebels.

Monteagle will honor those lost in the terrorist attacks of 9/11 Saturday, Sept. 11, for anyone interesting in attending. Program begins at 8:30 a.m. but sirens will begin blaring at 7:46 a.m.

  Winners for the 2019 HOCO Photo Contest. Thank you to all who entered and voted. A huge thank you to our sponsor, Bigfoot Adventure.   1st Place Easton Rymer & Brooks Lusk – 265 votes Prize from Bigfoot Adventure               2nd Place Brevin Layne – 227 votes Prize

The annual Mountaineer Days celebration was held Saturday at the entrance to the Old Shook School. Started in the late 1960s as “Old Timer’s Day,” the annual festival was renamed Mountaineer Days in the early 1970s. Last year, the number of attendees and participants was affected by COVID-19…

Had a blast at Mountaineer Days in Tracy last weekend. Saw a ton of people participating, plenty of young’uns having fun, and lots of great vendors. I even scored a penny ‘reflector ball’ for my whimsical, front yard art collection. You do what you got to do when shade is not always your friend.

The Mayor of Cowan was on my morning show this week, it looks like everything is almost a go for the Cowan to Sewanee portion of the Mountain Goat Trail. Once done, that would fully connect the Cowan to Tracy City trail for anyone who wishes to use it. One day, that trail will connect to Palmer, the end of the Mountain Goat railroad line. Pretty wild to think Cowan will be connected to us once again after all these years.

The Cowan Railroad Museum’s big Fall Heritage Festival is this weekend, Friday thru Sunday. They will have a Main stage set up by Monterey Station, a stage across from Fiesta Grill and another stage by the Cowan Railroad Museum. 150+ vendors, full schedule of great music. Shenandoah headlines Saturday night on the main stage. You can find the schedule of events on their Facebook page or their website

If you are a local crafter or vendor, there are plenty of upcoming opportunities to sell your goodies. Check the upcoming events schedule below for details.

We are entering Homecoming and Reunion season, so just shoot me an email if you want to list your event date.

As always, until next time, shop local.

Weekend highlights: (Disclaimer, events may change or cancel due to weather or unforeseen circumstances.)

Thurs-Sat - Open Hours at Grundy County Heritage Center, Tracy City. Thurs/Fri 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Sat 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Free.

Thurs – Coal Miners Museum at Palmer, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m., enter through library. Free.

Thurs – ‘Fresh Mess’ farmers market at Harton Park on College St., Monteagle. 4-6 p.m.

Thurs-Sun – Live Music at The Local Bar & Grill 2, Monteagle, 8 p.m., Sun 4 - 8 p.m. No cover.

Thurs-Sun – Social at Hank’s Corner Grille, Tracy City. Thursday Trivia. No cover.

Thurs-Sun – Pool/Social at The Green Room, Tracy City, opens at 4 p.m. Sun at 11 a.m. Trivia Friday. No cover.

Fri & Sat – Live Music at the Smokehouse Patio Grill, Monteagle, Fri starts at 6:30 p.m., Sat starts at 4:30pm. No cover.

Fri & Sat – Open Hours at Sam H. Werner Military Museum, Monteagle, 10 a.m.-3 p.m.

Fri-Sun – Zip line at Bigfoot Adventure, Tracy City, book online Groups go out every two hours, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Fri & Sat, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Sun. $50 pp, $40 pp/students. Fishing and Disc Golf also available.

Sat – The Sewanee Food and Flower Gardener’s Market at Sewanee, Hawkins Lane, 8-10 am.

Fri– Infrared Sauna Experience at High Vibes Healing, Monteagle. Thurs 3-5:30 p.m. Fri 11 a.m. – 2 p.m., other times during the week. $15 pp first visit, packages available.

Sept. 16 – Guided Night Hike at SCSP, 8 -9:30 p.m., 2 miles r/t, Ranger Greenwood, call SCSP Information and Welcome Center for more information, 931-924-2980. $5 pp, bring flashlight.

Sept. 17 – Plateau Guided Hike at SCSP, 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m., 9.3 miles r/t, Ranger Greenwood, call SCSP Information and Welcome Center for more information, 931-924-2980. $10 pp

Sept.17 – SACA Fall Craft Fair at Sewanee, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., Shoup Park, University Ave. For more information contact Sewanee Arts and Crafts Association.

Sept. 17 – Copeland w/Sewanee Symphony Orchestra at The Caverns, Pelham, 7 p.m., Underground. for tickets.

Sept. 17 – Professional Wrestling Tournament at The Florence Scruggs Building, Altamont, doors open 6 p.m., Bell Time 7 p.m. For more info, find Livin’ it Wrestling Ministries on Facebook.

Sept. 9-17 – Warren County Fair at McMinnville.

Sept. 17-24 – Lincoln County Fair at Fayetteville

Sept. 16-18 – Fall Heritage Festival at Cowan, Fri 5-9 p.m., Sat 10 a.m.-9 p.m., Sun 11 a.m.- 5 p.m. Saturday evening headliner – Shenandoah. for more information. Free

Every Day – The Caverns offers daily cave tours on the hour, every hour. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. $22.95 adults/$12.95 ages 3-12 plus tax and fees. Adventure tours available. Gift shop open daily.

Every Day – Coalmont OHV Park is not open yet, but the parking lot at the end of B Mine Rd is available for use. $10 donation.

Sept. 2022 – Coalmont OHV Grand Opening!

Sept. 23-27 – Fire on the Mountain 2022 at The Rock Fitness Center (lawn/tent), Gruetli Laager, at 7 p.m. nightly, hosted by Recovery Soldiers Ministries and Highland Community Church.

Sept. 24 – 8th Annual Monteagle-Sewanee Rotary Hunger Walk at Mountain Goat Trail. Register at:

Sept. 24 – GCSC September Horse Show at Tracy Arena, 4 p.m. signups, 5 p.m. show. Find Grundy County Saddle Club on Facebook for more information. $3 pp

Sept. 24 – Mountain Cruisers Car Club Cruise-in at Coalmont Community Center, 4 - 7pm. All proceeds benefit Thanksgiving widow baskets.

Sept. 24 – Fall Barn Dance at Beersheba Springs, Big Red Barn, starts 6 p.m., BBQ & Potluck. Music by Kenny Barrett and Friends, dancing encouraged. Bring a side dish or dessert.

Sept. 24 – Jack Barganier at Angel Park, Sewanee, starts 7 p.m. Free

Sept. 25 – 40th Class Reunion at old GCHS, Tracy City, 2 p.m. Classes ’80, ‘81’, ’82 are all together this year. Find the event on Facebook for more info.

Sept. 29 – ‘Feast in the Street’ food truck market at Harton Park, Monteagle, 4-8 p.m.

Oct. 1 – Grundy County Rabies & Parvo Vaccine Clinic at Coalmont Elementary School, 8 -11:30am. $10 per shot, per dog.

Oct.1 – GCSC Horse Show (rainout makeup date) at Tracy Arena, 4 p.m. signups, 5 p.m. show.

Oct. 8 – Fannie Moffit Autumn Stomp, Altamont.

Oct. 8 – 2nd Annual Operation Christmas Car Show & Concert at Old Roundhouse Park, Tracy City, 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. Hosted by Sewanee Lodge 405 & Eastern Star of Tracy City 266. $10 per car.

Oct. 8 & 9 – Cave Fest at The Caverns, Pelham.

Oct. 22 – SCCF Round the Mountain Fest at Old Roundhouse Park, Tracy City.

Oct. 29 – Youth Deer Hunt at Baggenstoss Farms.

Dec. 3 – Christmas Arts & Crafts Market at The Farm, Tracy City, 11 a.m.-9 p.m. Over 75 local vendors.

Do you have a hot news tip, upcoming event, cool story? Find me on Facebook and send a message!

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